The Mojito
The Mojito
Nothing transports you to the beach quite like an ice-cold, mint mojito. This cocktail offers an unparalleled freshness to quench your thirst while offering a unique pallet of smooth flavours. For anyone who adores mint and lime, a mojito should be your go-to on summer days or days when you’re missing summer. Enjoy the specialty P.S. Modern mojito year-round with this quick and simple recipe. You are welcome to adjust the quantities to your preference!
1 oz P.S. Modern Mint Syrup
Soda Water
1 oz White Rum
2 to 5 Fresh Mint
Lime wedges
Crushed Ice
Put some lime wedges in the bottom of the cup
Add a couple of mint leaves, be sure to crush them up a little bit to release the flavour
Add your syrup
Add crushed ice
Add your white rum
Fill the rest of the cup with soda